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Canadiana explores the grisly history of the Rideau Canal, a popular tourist attraction in Ottawa and marvel of human engineering from the early 1800s.
Nous voici à Red Bay, au Labrador. Aujourd’hui, c’est un petit village de moins de 200 personnes, situé dans un port naturel entouré de falaises de granit rouge qui lui ont donné son nom. À première vue, c’est un village comme tous les autres petits villages de pêche du Nord. Mais si vous savez où regarder, vous trouverez des indices de son passé : des indices que ce hameau bien tranquille a déjà été tout autre. Au milieu du XVIe siècle, la prolifération de baleines franches et de baleines boréales a attiré les baleiniers de la région basque d’Espagne et de la France dans le détroit de Belle-Isle à Red Bay, où ils ont établi un important poste de chasse. Voici l’histoire du vol de la baleine de Red Bay.
Basque whalers in the 1500s travelled to the very edge of their known universe in search of their gargantuan prey, and landed on the shores of a fog-shrouded bay in Labrador. In this unlikely setting, Canadiana revels in one of Canada's most absurd true crime stories: the tale of a Basque who stole from their rival, sparking a Spanish Supreme Court case that wouldn't be settled for nearly 20 years.
The Canadian story of the American Civil War, told in two parts. Through the eyes of the Canadians who helped start the war, to those who fought it, to the leaders influenced by it, we unravel one of the most pivotal events in the continent's history. From the pubs of Saint John to the docks of Halifax, from Southern Ontario battlefields to the battlements of Quebec City, find out which Canadians were on the right and wrong sides of history. This is the story of two nations facing each other down over a tenuous border for a century, and the war that changed everything.
Partez d'un océan à l'autre pour découvrir l'histoire de l'une des races de chiens les plus célèbres du Canada : le chien de Terre-Neuve!
Go coast-to-coast to uncover the lore behind one of Canada's most famous dog breeds: the Newfoundland!
The story behind one of Canada's most famous highways...and how it was built by a foreign army. From the Rocky Mountain foothills, all the way to Alaska—we take a road trip finding clues to its origins: rusted old trucks, strange-looking buildings, and abandoned gravel roads. This is the tale of the largest American invasion into Canada since the Gold Rush. This is the Alaska Highway.
The Fortifications of Québec have borne witness to so many of Quebec and Canada's most pivotal moments, but this story is...unique. In 1766, the Gazette de Quebec reports that there was a werewolf stalking the countryside outside the city's stone walls...
The Fortifications of Québec have borne witness to so many of Quebec and Canada's most pivotal moments, but this story is...unique. In 1766, the Gazette de Quebec reports that there was a werewolf stalking the countryside outside the city's stone walls...
The story of a Russian cipher clerk with an explosive secret, who just wanted someone in Ottawa to listen to what he had to say. Three days after the end of WWII, Igor Gouzenko would be the bearer of bad news that shook the world: there were spies in the capital!
Une forêt dont l'histoire s'étend sur l'océan Atlantique, opposant des bûcherons à un empereur, au cours de l'un des moments les plus marquants de l'histoire de l'Europe. Napoléon, rencontrez la vallée de la Rouge à Toronto.
A forest with a story that spans the Atlantic, pitting lumberjacks against an emperor, during one of the most pivotal moments in Europe’s history. Napoleon, meet Toronto’s Rouge Valley. Explore Canada's only Urban Park: Rouge National Urban Park.
Climb back aboard to witness the turbulent end of “The Golden Age of Piracy” in Canada. From the most notorious pirate to have sailed the seas of the North Atlantic, to the most infamous pirate trial in Halifax’s history, we find out how East Coast piracy declined and…turned legitimate.
Take to the lawless seas in search of treasure and tall tales in a veritable “who’s who” of pirates and privateers on Canada’s East Coast.
Canadiana explore l'histoire macabre du canal Rideau, une attraction touristique populaire à Ottawa et une merveille de l'ingénierie humaine du début des années 1800.